Gourd Art

Jane and Hal Sager are Gourd Artists in Tucson, Arizona

Contact Information

520-572-9098 Arizona 




Gourd Totems

Hal's Masks


Gourd Art





Gourd              n


New Totems

Jane's Gourd Art

Sharing an interest in gourd art with her husband, Hal, Jane Sager works in various styles using a variety of materials and techniques. Some are traditional Indian designs, others depict pueblo villages or animals and some are purely abstract with emphasis on color and design.

The gourd designs are usually burned into the piece and then colors are applied with leather dyes or acrylic paint and occasionally items that enhance the design may be applied on the surface as well.

Jane has become very popular with her original gourd quilt hangings and her Kachina dolls.

The gourd quilt wall hangings can be any size you need and customized with 4" gourd tiles.  Each design is burned into the gourd and hand painted.  They can be designed with art that has a special meaning to you.  They come with a wooden header or hung with leather straps.  They are easy for you to install.